tilikum crossing
portland, oregan
Alongside TriMet, the Oregon transit authority, and HNTB Engineers, MacDonald Architects helped develop suspension bridge designs for the new bridge spanning the Willamette River in Portland, Oregon, which is intended for bikers, pedestrians, and light rail riders. This design process has incorporated the Portland community and bike enthusiasts to weigh in on the developing bridge design concepts throughout the conceptual design phases. TriMet and the Willamette River Bridge Action Committee oversaw an extensive design process, which is still ongoing. MacDonald Architects is also overseeing the design/build portion of the contract.
Mr. MacDonald’s active role in public relations allowed the public to understand the aesthetics of the bridge and consequently led to displays of acceptance to the design, which proved to be key in winning the support of the Portland community. Mr. MacDonald’s participation in over fifteen public hearings, design charrettes, meetings with local interest groups and the Portland chapter of the AIA, as well as his attendance at multiple design workshops were crucial during the design phase of the bridge.